This is not a workshop where you will be asked vague, open questions or where you’ll be asked to quietly raise your hand. This is an immersive experience, where you’ll get to know what it’s like to steer creativity just as you would learn to drive a car: by doing.
For Who?
The workshop is meant for brave students, art directors, copywriters & the creative entrepreneurs of tomorrow, where conceptual thinking is an absolute necessity & problem solving a logical consequence.
Our Formula
We’ll help you get started with our self-appropriated & developed ‘creative’ formula: A + B = C. Don’t worry, it has nothing to do with math and everything to do with giving your brain a head start. You can compare it to learning how to drive. How the car works is only a small part of the actual skill. The most important thing is seeing and then using what you see, to the highest degree of efficiency.
Teaching Style
Forget conventional teaching, everything goes, being overly polite or shy will not do you any favours here. During the workshop you can shout, jump, sing or stand on a table if you have to. Hell, it is even encouraged.
We have been working together as a creative team for over 5 years now. This includes: 1) finishing our bachelor of arts, specialised in the commercial field of advertising. 2) Experiences abroad, studying and working in places like London, Brussels & New York. But more important than all of that, 3) A defined philosophy and fixed set of principles that are surprisingly unprecedented in our field, or at least at the places where we’ve been.
Things you’ll (probably) learn about
Art Direction
Finding Insights
Using Film & Music
Presenting & Pretending
Big Ideas
Evaluating Commercials
That your ego can be used to your advantage
Some Snippets
Interested? Want to know more? Feeling foolish? Send Dyon an email on with the subject: ‘workshop’ and we’ll go from there.
We have already given workshops @